Delaware Guardsmen return from Afghanistan

Story and photos by U.S. Army National Guard Spc. Devon Bistarkey

U.S. Army National Guard photo by Spc. Devon Bistarkey

U.S. Army National Guard photo by Spc. Devon Bistarkey

NEW CASTLE, Del. – It was a happy homecoming for the soldiers of Detachment 1, 150th Engineer Company, Horizontal Construction at the Army Aviation Support Facility in New Castle, Delaware on July 1. The welcome home ceremony reunited the final Delaware National Guard unit deployed to Afghanistan with friends and family.

The 40 soldier unit became family serving alongside one another during the year-long deployment overseas. For Sgt. Brittany Poore, a horizontal construction engineer, her second deployment, this mission was an opportunity to train and bond as a team.

“We banded together quickly,” said Poore.

The mission was a family affair for Spc. Jason Berry, a heavy equipment operator, serving at Bagram Airfield where his father, Col. Michael Berry, also served in 2010. The advice Berry received before deploying on his first overseas mission from his father; “It’s going to take time,” Berry, Sr. said in regards to adjusting to life overseas and completing their mission.

U.S. Army National Guard photo by Spc. Devon Bistarkey

U.S. Army National Guard photo by Spc. Devon Bistarkey

For the 150th soldiers that time was spent heavily focused on retrograde operations and the responsible downsizing of Afghanistan. In an effort to reduce the U.S. military footprint and enhance active bases the unit worked to deconstruct Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) along with construct a helicopter pad and friendship wall which directly protected U.S. troops from enemy forces. A job well done for the group of engineers who all returned home.

“The whole unit is back and that’s what important,” said Berry, Sr.

Speaking at the ceremony, Major General Fancis D. Vavala, the Adjutant General of the State of Delaware congratulated the soldiers for their service in the Delaware National Guard which he calls a hometown force with a global reach.

“For a year these soldiers have been doing the toughest job,” Vavala said, “and it’s easy to welcome family home.”

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