U.S. Army Golden Knights – Rotorfest

Gold Team performs a demonstration at the West Chester Rotorfest in West Goshen Township, Pa., Oct. 12, 2014.
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Chapter 1

there is a place in the heart that
will never be filled

a space

and even during the
best moments
the greatest times

we will know it

we will know it
more than

there is a place in the heart that
will never be filled

we will wait

in that space.
Charles Bukowski

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Photo Gallery: Eastern Shore Affiliate Challenge 8

Camden, DE — Crossfit Sweat Angel hosted the Eastern Shore Affiliate Challenge 8 where athletes competed in various individual and team events. 

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Wesley College lacrosse team shows support for deployed teammate

By Spc. Devon Bistarkey

Photo by Staff Sgt. James Pernol

Photo by Staff Sgt. James Pernol

When Wesley College student athlete and Delaware National Guard soldier Spc. Jason Berry apart of the 150th Engineer Detachment received orders for Afghanistan last year his lacrosse team planned something special during his deployment.

To show their support for the junior midfielder who would spend the entire 2014 lacrosse season overseas; the team came together along with the coaching staff and designed a patriotic warm-up jersey. The team reached out to Berry’s father and veteran, Col. Michael Berry, DEARNG land component commander, to help with the design and use of the Delaware National Guard emblem.

“It was incredible to have a group of young 20 year-olds take an interest while one of their teammates was overseas,” said Col. Berry.

In his absence, Berry’s team wore a digital-camouflage shooting jersey with the Delaware National Guard griffin, his unit name, and number in red, white and blue stars and strips, along with the Wesley College Wolverines logo for the first half-hour before every game of the season.

The surprise came when, after the Wolverines first game when pictures of the entire team in their warm-up jerseys were posted online with captions and comments expressing their pride, flooded Berry’s Facebook page half way around the world.

“I had no idea,” said Berry, “It felt pretty great having their support while I was gone.”

A care package from home included a group picture of his teammates in their commemorative jerseys along with one of his very own. Unable to travel overseas with any lacrosse gear and without the opportunity to play Berry wore the custom jersey each game to return the support his team showed him.

“They sent it to me and I would wear it on games days, but since it was night time in Afghanistan when they played, I slept in it” said Berry.

Support from his team started before Berry left for deployment as teammate and Iraqi veteran Josh Ladd acted as a mentor to Berry giving him tips before and during his deployment; in what Col. Berry explained as the act of one veteran taking care of another.

Lacrosse has found a special place for some of the soldiers in the Delaware National Guard that now play on an intermural team and continue to represent the states national guard units at home and abroad.


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Delaware Guardsmen return from Afghanistan

Story and photos by U.S. Army National Guard Spc. Devon Bistarkey

U.S. Army National Guard photo by Spc. Devon Bistarkey

U.S. Army National Guard photo by Spc. Devon Bistarkey

NEW CASTLE, Del. – It was a happy homecoming for the soldiers of Detachment 1, 150th Engineer Company, Horizontal Construction at the Army Aviation Support Facility in New Castle, Delaware on July 1. The welcome home ceremony reunited the final Delaware National Guard unit deployed to Afghanistan with friends and family.

The 40 soldier unit became family serving alongside one another during the year-long deployment overseas. For Sgt. Brittany Poore, a horizontal construction engineer, her second deployment, this mission was an opportunity to train and bond as a team.

“We banded together quickly,” said Poore.

The mission was a family affair for Spc. Jason Berry, a heavy equipment operator, serving at Bagram Airfield where his father, Col. Michael Berry, also served in 2010. The advice Berry received before deploying on his first overseas mission from his father; “It’s going to take time,” Berry, Sr. said in regards to adjusting to life overseas and completing their mission.

U.S. Army National Guard photo by Spc. Devon Bistarkey

U.S. Army National Guard photo by Spc. Devon Bistarkey

For the 150th soldiers that time was spent heavily focused on retrograde operations and the responsible downsizing of Afghanistan. In an effort to reduce the U.S. military footprint and enhance active bases the unit worked to deconstruct Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) along with construct a helicopter pad and friendship wall which directly protected U.S. troops from enemy forces. A job well done for the group of engineers who all returned home.

“The whole unit is back and that’s what important,” said Berry, Sr.

Speaking at the ceremony, Major General Fancis D. Vavala, the Adjutant General of the State of Delaware congratulated the soldiers for their service in the Delaware National Guard which he calls a hometown force with a global reach.

“For a year these soldiers have been doing the toughest job,” Vavala said, “and it’s easy to welcome family home.”

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Albanian Officer Candidates take to the field

By Spc. Devon Bistarkey

444th Mobile Public Affairs

JOINT BASE MCGURE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. — “I got you covered!” shouted Albanian Officer Candidate (OC),Thomollari Liontin to his fellow soldiers and countrymen attempting a flanking maneuver during a field training exercise June 21, here.

JOINT BASE MCGURE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. -Albanian OC Anita Gruda turned her uniform inside out to simulate an opposing force, June 21.  (Army National Guard Photo by Sgt. Sherwood T. Good enough/released)JOINT BASE MCGURE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. -Albanian OC Anita Gruda turned her uniform inside out to simulate an opposing force, June 21. (Army National Guard Photo by Sgt. Sherwood T. Good enough/released)


As part of the New Jersey State Partnership Program, this cohort of Albanian service members (known as Black Eagle Program 001), are in New Jersey attending the state’s Army National Guard Officer Candidate School.


After receiving a block of instruction from cadre of the New Jersey National Guard 254th (Combat Arms) training regiment, Albanian officer candidates practiced contact scenarios. While squads struggled to reach their objectives in the first iterations, the candidates quickly became proficient in the drills.


“It is really impressive how quickly these soldiers learn and how much they have already accomplished,” said cadre instructor, Staff Sgt. Stephanie Fullmer.  


Candidates are required to pass two English exams upon entering, and once immersed in the program they learn U.S. Army military culture including drill and ceremony, physical fitness and warrior tasks.

JOINT BASE MCGURE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. - New Jersey Army National Guard Pfc. Joshua Martinez  shares his battlefield experiences as a guest speaker to Albanian officer candidates, June 21.  (Army National Guard Photo by Sgt. Sherwood T. Good enough/released)JOINT BASE MCGURE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. – New Jersey Army National Guard Pfc. Joshua Martinez shares his battlefield experiences as a guest speaker to Albanian officer candidates, June 21. (Army National Guard Photo by Sgt. Sherwood T. Good enough/released) 


In the initial phase of training, cadre worked to establish a baseline of basic soldier skills for the Albanian troops. This training mixes mentoring by enlisted and officer instructors with varied military experiences.The three-phase program follows a crawl-walk-run progression that meets the same milestones and training requirements U.S. Army officer candidates receive.


“We’re in the crawl phase,” said Cpt. Matthew Zinlinski the Senior Platoon Officer with the 254th Training Regiment.  The day’s field training included reaction to enemy contact.


JOINT BASE MCGURE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. -  New Jersey Army National Guard Sgt.1st Class Matt Kryscnski, a platoon training officer with the 254th Regiment (Combat Arms), provides instruction to Albanian officer candidates June 21.   (Army National Guard Photo by Sgt. Sherwood T. Good enough/released)JOINT BASE MCGURE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. – New Jersey Army National Guard Sgt.1st Class Matt Kryscnski, a platoon training officer with the 254th Regiment (Combat Arms), provides instruction to Albanian officer candidates June 21. (Army National Guard Photo by Sgt. Sherwood T. Good enough/released)


“Today’s field training will prepare them for next week’s Field Leadership Exercise that will challenge them to use all the skills they have learned up to this point,” he said.


During their 12-week stay, OC Liontin said being far from home challenges candidates most.


“The biggest challenges so far have been learning English, the training and missing home,” he said. “I am impressed, and most importantly honored to come here to train.”JOINT BASE MCGURE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. -Albanian OC Toka Vilson takes notes on maneuver techniques June 21.  (Army National Guard Photo by Sgt. Sherwood T. Good enough/released)JOINT BASE MCGURE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. -Albanian OC Toka Vilson takes notes on maneuver techniques June 21. (Army National Guard Photo by Sgt. Sherwood T. Good enough/released)


This unique Albanian and New Jersey partnership fosters relationships between the two military organizations, Fullmer said.  She explained that as Albania falls under NATO forces, two soldiers in the platoon have already served with U.S. troops overseas as medics.


The Albanian OCS program is being conducted by the New Jersey Army National Guard and is the first time a state’s National Guard will train foreign military officer candidates as part of the State Partnership Program. The partnership builds on the diplomacy in place that propagates a culture of U.S. trained forces that can, when the time comes, return the phrase “I got you covered,” she said.


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A hard earned salute for Officer Candidate School Class 57

2nd Lt. Jeffrey Brooks, Officer Candidate School Class 57 graduate, stands while being pinned during a ceremony at Bethany Beach Training Site, July 12. (U.S Army National Guard photo by Spc. Devon Bistarkey/ Released)

2nd Lt. Jeffrey Brooks, Officer Candidate School Class 57 graduate, stands while being pinned during a ceremony at Bethany Beach Training Site, July 12. (U.S Army National Guard photo by Spc. Devon Bistarkey/ Released)

Story and photos by U.S. Army National Guard Spc. Devon Bistarkey

BETHANY BEACH, Del. – Six Delaware National Guard Soldiers graduated from Officer Candidate School during a ceremony at Bethany Beach Training site, July 12. After completing the yearlong course, candidates of Class 57 earned the rank of second lieutenant and accepted their commissions in front of family, friends and distinguished guests.

The OCS class included a mix of initial entry candidates and senior enlisted Soldiers with a rage military knowledge and backgrounds from chemical specialties to finance.

The task of transforming these candidates, despite their varied backgrounds, into capable leaders is the responsibility of the skilled trainers of the 193rd Regional Training Institute.

Senior platoon trainer, U.S. Army National Guard Cpt. Bradley Pierce with the 193rd RTI OCS Company recalls one of the first training experiences with class 57; the one graduates try to forget most.

“On the first day in an open parade field the OCs are bombarded with screaming platoon trainers and intense corrective training,” said Pierce.

Affectionately called the “TAC-attack”, a referral to the previous name of TAC (Teach Assess Counsel) officers for platoon trainers, the “TAC-attack” is the initial event that introduces candidates to the level of stress they can expect to experience during the course.

This event is just one of the many milestones the candidates must overcome during training. Others include water survival, ruck marches, and procedures in operation orders.

While it may not have been fun at the time, candidates recognize the importance of their training experiences.

“The training stressed the importance of teamwork and communication,” said newly commissioned 2nd Lt. Corissa Dodson.

2nd Lt. Tywan Brooks, Officer Candidate School Class of 57 graduate, receives his first salute during a ceremony at Bethany Beach Training Site, July 12. (U.S Army National Guard photo by Spc. Devon Bistarkey/ Released)

2nd Lt. Tywan Brooks, Officer Candidate School Class of 57 graduate, receives his first salute during a ceremony at Bethany Beach Training Site, July 12. (U.S Army National Guard photo by Spc. Devon Bistarkey/ Released)

In the end, all the training and mentoring appeared to be a success. Despite their diverse backgrounds, the OCS class of 57 was transformed by guidance from skilled platoon trainers into a unified group of new leaders, who upon graduation, raised their right hand to take the oath of office and receive their first hard earned salute, pledging to abide by their class phrase, “leadership is a lifestyle.”

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Crossfit Action Shots

The amazing crew at Crossfit Sweat Angel let me take some action shots of them during their WOD last week. I recently switched units and joined the Delaware National Guards 101st PAD and was issued some new gear including a Canon EOS 7D Digital SLR camera. 

The good sports that they are let me take pictures of them as I get used to this new, amazing camera. Enjoy!

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April 23, 2014 · 9:12 pm

Eat Like A Bunny This Easter

Nibbling, grazing and hopping from one plate to the next is what Easter is all about – not a weekend long game of stuff-the-bunny. If you’re on the hunt for a healthy holiday weekend here are some tips for nutritious nibbling…


  • Snack smart: If you’re hopping down the bunny trail to visit family a long drive, or even short car ride can derail any diet. Healthy nuts, energy bars or fruit are great snacks that are easy to grab and go. However, after a couple of hours in a car it is often the lure of a cold refreshing beverage that coaxes us into a convenience store or drive-thru. Once inside our willpower crumbles and we end up leaving with a bag of chips and a candy bar. Avoid this by taking the time to pack a cooler to keep bottles of water or tea chilled. Throw in some carrot sticks for a great alternative to chips – plus you will feel very bunny-like chomping down on them.


  • Good grazing: If there is a buffet displaying each member of your extended families most revered and decadent dishes in front of you; or if upon approaching a table of food it dawns on you what potluck means (pots of food I am lucky to eat all of) take a step back. When filling up your plate look for meats and vegetables. If a second plate is desired, or forced upon you by the matriarch of the house, have a bottle of water in between servings. This will help you manage your appetite, and if it’s a warm Spring day – keep you hydrated. If you are responsible for bringing a dish – bring chocolate covered fruit (which you can keep cold in your cooler). Not only is it easy to make it can be a fun activity for kids. Plus, let’s be honest, no one brings healthy dessert options to Easter dinner. This will be key to avoid eating every bunny shaped cake and cookie.  


  • Bright-eyed & bushy-tailed: The sun is never more beautiful than when it slowly wakes you up on a day off. So, go enjoy it! Hop out of bed and go for a run or walk the dog. If you still need to hide eggs turn it into sprint drills and see how fast you can scatter two dozen plastic eggs in your yard. Try intervals of skipping, lunges and side shuffles between egg hiding locations. To be very bunny-like try some big hops in between.

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BBQ Basics

Food blogs are great. But, let’s be honest, no one reads those 3 paragraph life updates. So here is, simply, a basic paleo BBQ sauce recipe, inspired by Primalbites
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