Monthly Archives: May 2013

Left Homeless by Sandy, Veteran Rises an Entrepreneur

                                                                                               Photo by Sgt. Bill Addison, 444th MPAD

When Hurricane Sandy struck, Navy veteran Troy Cox found himself out of a job and homeless.

After serving 20 years and finishing his last tour of duty in Iraq in 2007, Cox was faced with the biggest challenge of his life when he lost his job and residence in Seaside Heights.

 With nowhere to go, Cox found himself at the place that has returned more than 700 New Jersey veterans to productive lives – Veterans Haven.

 The transitional housing program run by the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs puts its residents on a path to self-sufficiency following a formula of job training and life-skills building. The program originated more than a decade ago with one facility in Winslow Township, Gloucester County and expanded last year to a second location in Glen Gardner, Hunterdon County.

 In many cases, veterans emerge from the program with newly-acquired life skills and having kicked alcohol or drug dependency.

In Cox’s case, the program gave him a home base and an opportunity to regroup. But for Cox and most other Veterans Haven residents, the most powerful weapon they have is their own ambition.

 Two months ago, Cox bought a shuttered building in Clinton, N.J., and turned it into the Olde Towne Deli & Bagel House. He opened a week ago and the place is already doing brisk business.

 “This all started with nothing but a dream,” Cox said recently as he handled the busy Saturday lunch rush.

 It may have been Cox’s dream, but other veterans have joined him on this journey. A team of fellow Veterans Haven North residents helped with the renovation of the eatery and are now serving customers.

 “They put their faith in me,” said Cox.

 Cox said the transition to running a bagel and deli shop came naturally. He grew up working at his family’s diner in Indiana.

 When asked, Why bagels? Cox’s answer is simple, “Why not?”

 The focus of his work is equally simplistic. Work hard and give back. His fellow veterans at the shop follow the same credo.

 “Being veterans, we dust our knees off and we get up and we go,” he said. “That’s what we do.”

 The bagel shop itself remains a work in progress. It’s nestled between a florist and a bookstore and still has no sign out front. Even so, the store continues to draw a steady stream of customers through word of mouth and what Cox describes as the best sandwiches in town.

 Cox serves patrons without identifying himself or his employees as veterans living in transitional housing.

 “I don’t want them to feel like they’re out of place because they’re in a shelter,” he said. “They should feel like heroes, because that’s what they are.”

 When asked what the future holds, his answer is simple: “More.”

The next challenge for Cox includes plans to expand and focus on giving back to Veterans Haven for the doors it opened for him.

“I am happy to be able to give back,” he said. “They’ve given to me and I’m giving back.”

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The Quirks Of Being A Fembro

There are women; impressive attractive women who exude femininity in an acculturated sense. Their conformity to the social standards of what a girl should be is executed in their pleasantries and manicured appearance.

That type of woman requires effort and a precarious attention to fashion, gossip, and… Well, I don’t know what other idle matters occupy these females minds. The fragility of such things occupies little space in the mind of a different type of female. An outlier, a wildcard, an iconoclast of sorts- the “fembro.” A girl who is considered one of the guys.

A gregarious breed whose reputation, for pithy sports banter and the ability to form friendships with anyone, often precedes them. They love sports, beer and expel an often intimidating sense of competition. They will be your best friend because their interests are varied, and their passion for life is as insatiable as their pursuit of happiness.

They are equal parts an asset or detriment to understanding the constructs of the male/female relationship dynamic.

In the context of pursuing a counterpart, romantic relationships prove to be a challenge for most fembros. They are the rare 5 tool player, the no hitter you’re scared to speak of until it actually happens. However, they are never a first round draft pick. That spot might be permanently reserved for Kate Upton.

Those Kate Uptons, those women whose femininity drips off them only to be lapped up by simple minded, easily excited men. Those two types of people deserve each other. There will always been cleat chasers in this game that need banged out before a real man can appreciate a fembro.

In a league all their own are fembros seeking a real man, one that isn’t intimidated by their passions. A kind of man as elusive as the fembro herself.

Weak men can fall in love with the aggregate of waiting an hour for a typical woman to get ready to emerge tailored and stunning. They will justify this wait with their beauty. They will entertain petty work gossip or indulge in the viewing of a romantic comedy for those types of women believing they’re happy, and it reflects a certain charm.

A fembro will instead offend that notion of what a girlfriend should be. She will easily fit into areas traditionally reserved for male counterparts. You will want to take her to a game because she enjoys it. She will blur all the lines you drew between girlfriend time, bro time, and even creep into the spaces and hobbies you reserve for yourself because unknowingly she has become your best friend.

The friend zone is most comfortable for fembros. But, if you’re lucky she will let you in.

And it’s only then do fembros show you how powerfully feminine they can be. They will display a sexuality that will drive you crazy when it’s expressed solely to you when you’re alone. They are the most passionate lovers. And after you experience that intensity the way she effortlessly throws herself together will become the most mesmerizing thing you’ve ever seen.

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In Life by Pema Chordon


“In life we think the that the point is to pass the test or overcome the problem. The real truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together for a time, then they fall back apart. Then they come together and fall apart again. It’s just like that.

Personal discovery and growth come from letting there be room for all this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.

Suffering comes from wishing things were different. Misery is self-inflicted, when we are expecting the “idea” to overcome the “actual,” or needing things (or people, or places) to be different for us so we can then be happy.

Let the hard things in life break you. Let them effect you. Let them change you. Let those hard moments inform you. Let this pain be your teacher. The experiences of your life are trying to tell you something about yourself. Don’t cop out on that. Don’t run away and hid under your covers. Lean into it.

What is the lesson in the wind? What is the storm trying to tell you? What will you learn if you face it with courage? With full honesty and – lean into it.”


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Jersey For The Greatest Team On Earth

A crowd of over 6,5000 fans at Arm and Hammer Park, home of the Trenton Thunder, rose from their seats to cheer for individuals in a different kind of uniform. On this night it wasn’t the home team’s iconic pinstripes, or even the orange and black uniforms of the opposing Bowie Baysox that moved them to their feet.

Instead, fans cheered for the nation’s home team; the brave men and women service members who wear the jersey for the greatest team on earth – the United States Military.

Celebrating Armed Forces day at the park, Sgt. 1st Class Don Capio kicked off the night’s events by throwing out the ceremonial first pitch.

As the night’s honoree, Capio said this is the area’s best event which shows a tremendous amount of support for the military community.

“Coming out to enjoy a ballgame always helps to raise soldier’s morale,” said Capio.

Morale was at an all-time high for members of the Kentucky National Guard in attendance.

The unit is currently conducting pre-mobilization training at Joint Base Lakehurst-McGuire-Dix in preparation for their deployment to Guantanamo Bay,Cuba. The soldiers apart of the 133rd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment took a break from weeks of rigorous training.

“It’s nice to kick back and relax,” said Army Pfc. Cody Cooper, “And we’re proud to serve.”

Various other military organizations including the New Jersey-Pennsylvania USO and Hounds for Heroes contributed to the nights success in honor the areas veterans.


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